My Production Workflow - Cleaning Up a Tracking Session and Preparing For Overdubs

Last week I shared some tips and work-flow concepts with respect to the Pre-Production phase of working on a project in Studio One. Sidenote: This is something that (providing I have clearance from the artist) I’d like to do a lot more of in the coming months.

If you haven’t had a chance to catch that article / video yet - You can find it here.

Needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised to have received a lot of positive feedback - and thought to myself, what better way to pick up from where we left off, then to continue along the same course for this week.

But this time, pealing back an additional layer of the production process - with the basic tracking session(s) having been completed, and literally opening up up a Song and once again, working in real-time - explaining my decision’s and work-flow as I go.

In this video, I demonstrate the basic steps I take after a tracking session in PreSonus Studio One - including, session clean-up, editing, pre-mixing, optimizing phase on multi-track Drums, and more.

And as always, if you enjoy this content, please - Share, Subscribe, and hit that like button. :)

Cheers, Marcus