In this video - I'm posting my Studio One Pro 7 Color Scheme Preset to PreSonus Exchange, to share with the user community! If you like it, then download and install, today!
In this Free Excerpt from my course "Mixing Phat Funk by Phat Hat" - I take a look at adding excitement, interest, energy, and movement to Lead guitars through the use of Effects, and automation.
In this video, I take a look at my top 4 features of Studio One Pro 7 - including: Automatic Tempo Detection, the new Global Transpose options, Splice integration, and AI powered Stem Seperation.
In this video I take a look at a recent mix that I did, and talk about some changes I've made to how I'm planning on approaching the Stereo Master, when mixing in Atmos, moving forward.
In this video - I take a detailed "deep dive" with the recently released PreSonus Quantum HD 8 USB-C Audio interface.
In this video, I take a look at the recently added support for working with Dolby ATMOS composite beds, in Studio One 6.6, and above.
In this video, I take a look at the recently added Native integration for Apple Spatial Audio support in Studio One 6.6, and above.
In this video, I explain the fundamental difference between Beds vs Objects, by analyzing an ADM Master in Studio One Pro 6.5.
In this video, I take a detailed look at the PreSonus Eris Pro 4's running in stereo, and with the PreSonus Eris Pro Sub 10 in a 2.1 setup.
In this article, I take a look at 2 different workflow approaches that can be used when working with the LFE Channel when mixing Dolby Atmos in PreSonus Studio One 6.5 and above.
In this video, I take a look at how to use multiple instances of Stereo FX Plug-ins - and re-mapping their speaker output routing for use in immersive mixing.
In this video, I take a look at how to split (and merge) Multichannel Files, using the Studio One browser. More specifically, when you might want to use the feature, and some things to be aware of.
In this video, I take a look at using Post-Panner Metering when working in Studio One Version 6.2 and above. More specifically - how it interacts with Track widths and channel widths when working in stereo, surround, and immersive formats.
In this video, I take a look at using the Studio One Remote App - to compliment running along side with a Faderport 16, for maximum control over surround / Object Panning, when mixing immersive audio.
In this video, I take a look at the new Surround Delay plug-in, included in Studio One 6.5 - more specifically, the speaker routing options, and how in differs from Groove Delay when being routed to a 7.1.2 Bed.
In this video, I take a look at using 3D IR's in Open AIR2 with Studio One 6.5 in an immersive context. In addition, I also take at look at the routing options of how 7.1.2 (output) immersive reverbs interact with ATMOS Beds (vs Objects).
In this video, I take a look at everything you need to know in order to get started with immsersive audio in Studio One 6.5. That being said - the majority of the focus, has to do with working in Binaural Mode over headphones.
In this video, I take a look at using Note FX (The Chorder & The Arpeggiator) and track controls as a means of aiding in the recording / production process when working in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at customizing metronome settings, managing presets, and optimizing metronome gain-staging to suit your individual needs.
In this video, I take a look at working with Sync Points in PreSonus Studio One 6 - including the 2 key commands that are associated with them, and a bonus tip...
In this video, I take a look at using the "Selected Channels Only" option - when working with Console Scenes in Studio One 6.
In this video, I take a look at using Console Scenes in place of the traditional "Save As" or "Save New Version" option(s) in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at a new option that was added in Studio One 6.2 - The ability to filter the colour of Note Events based on a user selected scale.
In this video, I take a look at some of the changes / improvements that were added in Studio One 6.2 - with respect to how layers work.
In this video, I take a look at the new Copy Sends + Automation feature that was added in Studio One 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at creating a Macro that utilizes a useful new Key Command that was added in Studio One version 6.2. In addition - I also take a look at some of the improvements that we see with the Macro Organizer workflow in Studio One 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at 2 new Key Commands that were added in Studio One Version 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at some of the new options that were added with respect to working with Event FX, and more specifically ARA Plug-ins, in Studio One 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at the recently added option to disable dropout protection in Studio One Version 6.2. More specifically - The Pro's & Con's, as well as how it affects system performance, with both audio, and virtual instruments.
In this video, I take a look at the Merge VCA Automation function, in PreSonus Studio One. More specifically - when to use it, and why it's useful.