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In this video, I take a look at using Note FX (The Chorder & The Arpeggiator) and track controls as a means of aiding in the recording / production process when working in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at customizing metronome settings, managing presets, and optimizing metronome gain-staging to suit your individual needs.
In this video, I take a look at working with Sync Points in PreSonus Studio One 6 - including the 2 key commands that are associated with them, and a bonus tip...
In this video, I take a look at using Console Scenes in place of the traditional "Save As" or "Save New Version" option(s) in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at a new option that was added in Studio One 6.2 - The ability to filter the colour of Note Events based on a user selected scale.
In this video, I take a look at the new Copy Sends + Automation feature that was added in Studio One 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at 2 new Key Commands that were added in Studio One Version 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at some of the new options that were added with respect to working with Event FX, and more specifically ARA Plug-ins, in Studio One 6.2.
In this video, I take a look at the recently added option to disable dropout protection in Studio One Version 6.2. More specifically - The Pro's & Con's, as well as how it affects system performance, with both audio, and virtual instruments.
In this video, I take a look at the Merge VCA Automation function, in PreSonus Studio One. More specifically - when to use it, and why it's useful.
In this video, I take a look at all the different options that Studio One provides in terms of managing Gain, across your productions.
In this video, I take a look at the similarities and differences of using Multi-Instrument tracks vs 2 separate instrument tracks and Duplicate Shared Instrument Parts in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at how to create Duplicate Shared Instrument Parts across separate tracks using a key command modifier sequence.
In this video, I demonstrate a simple and easy way to insert 2 POP's at various Frame Rates into existing Studio One Songs that start at Bar 1.
In this video, I demonstrate a way to 2POP your stems for delivery when working with sound for picture in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at the Pre and Post FX Chains, in addition to my Macro Controls that I use exclusively on my Listen Bus when working in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I share my thoughts on what's required when exporting files, or preparing a session for Mixing. Including, raw mono regions, Stems, Submixing, and rendering creative FX.
In this video, I demonstrate how the Stock Studio One Gate Plug-in can be used to generate accurate MIDI triggers which can be used to do sample replacement or sample layering
In this second video of a 2 part series - I demonstrate the necessary steps that are needed to ensure that the MIDI triggers created from Studio One's Bend Markers, are accurate and properly phase aligned.
In this first video of a 2 part series - I demonstrate the basic workflow of how to generate MIDI triggers using Bend Markers when working in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I demonstrate some of the basic concepts and workflows that I use when manually aligning Multi-Mic sources for optimized phase in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I demonstrate why I use the Listen Bus in all of my productions when working in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, I take a look at a using the "receive from output of channel" option in place of using a Pre-Fader Send when working with Virtual Instruments being used as a key to the Side Chain of other Virtual Instruments.
In this video, I take a look at the behaviour of the Export Stems feature in Studio One (tracks vs channels) with respect to Side Chain Sends being used on material (Virtual Instruments and Audio).
In this video, I take a look at a small but useful feature that was added in PreSonus Studio One Version 6 - The ability to add files to a Song while you're in the New Song Page.
In this video, I pick up from where we left off in Part 1 - this time exploring the external SideChain input of Pro EQ3 and how it can be used to react to an incoming signal on specific frequency bands.
In this video, I take a look at the recently updated Pro EQ3 in PreSonus Studio One 6 - More specifically, the basics on how to use the Dynamic EQ - and when it might be useful.
In this video, I take a look at using track presets with Audio Tracks in PreSonus Studio One Version 6. More specifically - how they work, what gets recalled, and a few workflow tips.
In this video, I take a look at what's stored / recalled with Track Presets in Studio One Version 6 - with respect to working with Virtual Instruments. In addition I share some tips on creating Track Presets, including ALL the needed settings for instantly playable presets.
In this video, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates the new advanced Quick APT/Quick Doubler Studio One integration for users of Revoice Pro 3.3 and Studio One 3.3.4+.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus demonstrates a workflow for quickly and accurately aligning drum samples to source tracks in PreSonus Studio One.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates how to use the 'Slow Down' parameters in Waves Abbey Road Vinyl to emulate the infamous tape stop effect heard on countless tracks.
In this quick tip video, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates how to import a tempo map from a MIDI file into PreSonus Studio One.
In this free tutorial video, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates a workflow that can be used to generate a Tempo Map from PreSonus Studio One - that can be imported when collaborating with other Studios running Pro Tools or other 3rd Party DAW's.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates how to achieve a perfect Parity between the arrange window & the console when working with Mult-Out VST's such as EZ Drummer, in PreSonus Studio One.
In this video, Marcus Huyskens demonstrates how to do a horizontal timeline 'Drag & Drop' with Audio Events in PreSonus Studio One.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus Huyskens continues with the 3rd video of his "into the pocket" series. In this video, he demonstrates how to achieve a 'Beat Detective' style drum slicing workflow, when quantizing multitrack drums to the grid in PreSonus Studio One.
Marcus follow's up from his first video in this mini series titled "Into The Pocket". In this free video tutorial, he demonstrates a workflow that can be used when combining multiple loops & samples, by augmenting their timing, and quantizing them to the groove clipboard.
Marcus begins with his first video in a mini series titled "Into The Pocket". In this free video tutorial, he demonstrates a workflow for tightening up kick & snare samples to sit better with loops, by quantizing them to the groove clipboard.
In this video, Marcus demonstrates how to use the drag & drop "Replace Event" option that is available while using the browser in Studio One.
In this video, Marcus demonstrates a workflow that can be useful when trying to create seamless loops in Studio One.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus demonstrates an alternate workflow when using iZotope RX within Studio One. This workflow involves working off of a bounced from within the pool, and updating the event in Studio One, as opposed to using Event FX, and traditional export options with RX.
In this free video tutorial, Marcus gives an in depth overview of how to use the "Match EQ" option within Fabfilter Pro-Q2. FabFilter Pro-Q 2 is designed to help you achieve your sound in the quickest way possible. Via the large interactive EQ display, you can create bands where you need them and select and edit multiple bands at once.
In this video, I take a look at my top 4 features of Studio One Pro 7 - including: Automatic Tempo Detection, the new Global Transpose options, Splice integration, and AI powered Stem Seperation.