Faderport Tips For Power Users - Studio One Native Mode

Adding a Faderport 16 to my setup, was by far one of the best decision’s I’ve ever made. Not only did it re-ignite my passion for mixing - it also opened up a new world of possibilities for how I go about mixing a track with respect to my workflow.

Now, I’m not going to lie - At first, I was a little clumsy, as I hadn’t used a control surface for mixing since my DIGI 002 Days.. But after I began to force myself to use the Faderport more and more, it eventually became second nature - and although it sounds cliche, I really wouldn’t want to mix without it..

Add my Softube Console 1 into the equation, and it’s a match made in heaven (but that’s for another day)

In this video, I demonstrate two Faderport Features, (that to the best of my knowledge, are undocumented) as well as numerous Workflow Tips for Faderport 8 & Faderport 16 Users.

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Cheers, Marcus