Studio One Quick Tip - Using Folder Tracks And Console View Options To Streamline Your Workflow

In last weeks video we had a look at how to enable a preference within Studio One that would essentially “auto create” an Automation Track (in the Arrange Window) for Fx Channels, Bus Channels, and VCA Channels.

If you recall, I made mention of the fact that this is my personal preference to have happen by default. But that being said, I also mentioned that some people may argue that depending on the number of Automation Tracks being created - it may begin to clutter up your Arrange Window.

In this weeks video, I wanted to demonstrate a tip that can help combat that, and essentially gives the user the best of both worlds. The Automation Tracks can reside in your Arrange Window for easy editing - but with the added benefit of being organized in a simple yet effective way. Furthermore, by adjusting a few different preferences in the Console View Options - Studio One allows user’s to customize it’s behaviour to suit their needs based on personal preference.

In this video I demonstrate how to utilize Folder Tracks a Various Console View Options to help maintain a neat & tidy Arrange Window when working in PreSonus Studio One.

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Cheers, Marcus