Working With The Sound Set Builder In PreSonus Studio One - Video Series

First off, let me say this.. I have wanted to do this particular video series for a long time now. At least 1 year or more. BUT - this particular topic can become really complex, because Studio One offers so many different options in terms of the way we can store and recall presets and content.

That being said, I made a point to slowly cover all of these different formats in my weekly content, so that when the time came (today is the day) I could finally do a video series on the mystical Sound Set Builder in PreSonus Studio One.

I wanted to split this up, into a 2 Part series, with the 1st video being more of an overview on how to install the Soundset Builder, some general tips on folder structure / organization, and the basic “rules” to follow. We will also deal with some simple points, such as creating a basic Impact XT Kit - from One-Shots located in the Soundset Folder structure, and also generating a Musicloop (in the form of a Pattern with 2 variations) that was created with our custom Impact XT Preset.

The 2nd video will dive a little dive a little deeper - focusing on how to deal with Packing (Exporting) Soundx files, when working with Presence XT instruments & the Presence XT Editor Add-On, and how to use the Soundx File to create Presets of your Presence XT Instruments. And lastly, we will talk about how to finalize and “Pack” your Soundset, so that it can be tested & shared with colleagues or the PreSonus Studio One User Community.

One thing that I realized that I forgot to cover, is how to use the “Tagging” system when working with the Soundset Builder, and more specifically how it works and what it does, so this is something that I’m going to cover next week, and I will insert that video on this landing page, so that there will be ONE URL that covers literally everything you need to know.

Lastly - Here is a list of some companion Videos / articles that might come in handy - because as was stated in the video - Soundset’s can contain multiple file formats (some that are unique to Studio One). So if you REALLY want to take advantage, it’s worth knowing all the different way in which we can create content:

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably interested in checking out the videos, which you will find below:

And as always, if you enjoy this content, please - Share, Subscribe, and hit that like button. :)

Cheers, Marcus